The 1st Workshop on Neural Reasoning and Mathematical Discovery -- An Interdisciplinary Two-Way Street (NEURMAD@AAAI'25 [nju: mæd 'ei'ai]) will take place on March 4, 2025, as part of the 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Philadelphia, USA.

The description

Neural architectures are playing an increasing role in AI-assisted mathematical discovery. These architectures can guide theorists in discovering novel mathematics through conjecture generation and autoformalization. Besides mathematical and scientific discovery, the success of neural networks is witnessed in various other domains, e.g., human-like question-answering, playing games, and solving IMO tasks.

However, accompanied by these exciting successes are LLMs' unpredictable behaviours and errors in simple abstract reasoning.

This presents an opportunity to develop pipelines for human-like, rigorous, logical reasoning, supported by advances in neural architectures. Recent research shows first glimpses of achieving syllogistic reasoning without training data through the use of sphere neural networks.

This workshop invites theorists and practitioners to reconsider various problems and discuss walk-round solutions in the two-way street commingling of neural networks and mathematics (1) using mathematics to develop novel neural networks that can reach the rigour of logical reasoning, and (2) using neural networks to discover and enlighten novel results or paradigms in the mathematical sciences.

Keynote Speakers

Sangeet Khemlani

Sangeet Khemlani
US Naval Research Laboratory

Dani Bassett

Dani Bassett
University of Pensylvania

Submission information

call for papers for further information on topics and submission instructions.


Challenger Mishra

Challenger Mishra (the chair)
University of Cambridge

Mateja Jamnik

Mateja Jamnik
University of Cambridge

Pietro Lio

Pietro Lio
University of Cambridge

Tiansi Dong

Tiansi Dong (the primary contact chair)
University of Cambridge & Fraunhofer IAIS


To reach the organizers with any questions or comments, please e-mail